lunedì 17 dicembre 2012

La Festa di Radio3 - Materadio 2012

Matera is ready to host the the second edition of Materadio. Having told the story of our city and our people in 2011, this year, along with Radio3, we will look at Europe and its complex economic context as a step to our candidacy for ECOC 2019.

Inviting authoritative artists, intellectuals, policy makers and journalists from all over Europe, we hope to capture the significance of being at the centre of the Mediterranean and of Southern Europe. And at the same time we would like to reveal the creative languages sculpted in layers on the walls of the Sassi, the Casa Cava, the churches and the tufa-stone quarries scattered throughout the Murgia Park and in the 18th century buildings of Matera – and indeed in the history of the whole of Basilicata. The Materadio programme is extended to the whole region.

The headquarters are in Matera, but the activities extend to the 4 creative centres of the regional project Visioni Urbane, 4 cardinal points of Basilicata: Pisticci, Tito, San Paolo Albanese and Rionero. Each of them will host one of the 4 EU nations we have involved: Finland with Turku - ECOC 2011, Portugal with Guimaraes - ECOC 2012, France with Marseille Provence - ECOC 2013 and Bulgaria, with Sofia - candidate city 2019.

North, South, East and West of Europe will weave their experiences together, giving rise to a fruitful exchange with the local creative community according to the spirit of the EU. In the programme we have also included the radios of the relevant cities and nations in order to broaden the experience and stimulate reflections on our idea of future, culture and Europe.

--Salvatore Adduce, Mayor of Matera and President of Matera 2019 Committee
(from MateRadio 2012 Program Brochure)

Vol. 1: 2012-09-21 - Daniele Sepe & Rote Jazz Fraktion
Vol. 2: 2012-09-22 - Sandro Satta & Antonello Salis Duo
Vol. 3: 2012-09-22 - Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio
Vol. 4: 2012-09-23 - Giovanni Sollima 'BaRock Cello'

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